The effects of Pharaonic
The effects of Pharaonic

Pharaonic civilization
Pharaonic civilization is considered one of the strongest civilizations that came to the Arab Republic of Egypt, it has been characterized by many of the features that have been identified with the progress of science; as the Pharaonic civilization left behind a lot of effects that showed it, and showed how much progress she experienced.
Facts about the Pharaohs
- The pharaoh Nfrckreet accompanied him on his journeys a number of slaves dark owners, and the painted their bodies with honey; and so do not even bother him flies.
- Egyptians used baking mold in the treatment of injuries; where it was discovered the presence of penicillin in bread mold, and then has the antibiotics industry
- Pharaohs deliberately dump all the members of the deceased; in order embalmed, starting from the brain down to the intestine, and is placed in a special time, but the heart keeps in place; thinking that the Spirit Center.
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