What are the Caribbean Islands
What are the Caribbean Islands

Caribbean, or in English: (Caribbean): is the name of a geographical area located in the western side of the northern hemisphere, located between the North American continent and the continent of South America; where is bordered by the North American continent from the North West, and is bordered by the South American continent, from the southern side, and met Caribbean called b (Central America), or (Latin America); the challenge of Central America, the Caribbean region from the west, from the north-east to the east and the Caribbean Faihd North Atlantic Ocean. Known as the Caribbean region, another: (Netherlands area).
Caribbean consists of the Caribbean Sea and the islands in it, and the islands located on the border with the North Atlantic, also made up of beaches, coasts and related surrounding the Caribbean Sea.
It estimated the Caribbean region is estimated at: (2.754 million) square kilometers, or: (1.063 million) square miles, and a land area in this region: (239.681) square kilometers, or: (92.541) square miles. The population of the Caribbean forgave 40 million.
Caribbean consists of the Caribbean Sea and the islands in it, and the islands located on the border with the North Atlantic, also made up of beaches, coasts and related surrounding the Caribbean Sea.
It estimated the Caribbean region is estimated at: (2.754 million) square kilometers, or: (1.063 million) square miles, and a land area in this region: (239.681) square kilometers, or: (92.541) square miles. The population of the Caribbean forgave 40 million.
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