Where is the pyramid of Saqqara
Where is the pyramid of Saqqara

Pyramid of Saqqara
Known as the pyramid on behalf of Djoser, which is one of the monuments Almujdh in the Saqqara area, which are located in the north-western part of the ancient city of Memphis, located in Egypt, known as Memphis, currently the Egyptian Giza, and there are just thirty kilometers from the south of the Egyptian capital of Cairo, it limits the pyramid the northern area of Abu Sir, and the South Dahshur, and covers an area of the pyramid kilometer and a half, and the height of up to sixty-two meters.
History and discovery
The pyramid was built in the northern part of the plateau of Saqqara in the twenty-seventh century BC after the Minister of King Zoser the royal architect Imhotep; and to be a place to bury the nobility of the ancient Egyptian families that inhabited the Saqqara area, and was the first burial in which the king Abydos.
The researcher John Bering to the pyramid in order to explore the merits of the pyramid in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven, and managed through the journey to discover many of the mummies, and closets in the bottom of the pyramid segment, and in the year one thousand nine hundred and twenty-one AD visited the pyramid of both the German Consul Heinrich von Muotola , the Italian engineer Girollano Sajato, and found fragments of the mummy Almcetkchwen in the inner corridors of the pyramid, the most important features of these fragments they are covered with metal gold.
IPhone Manotola got a mandate by the German Emperor, the Egyptian ruler Mohammed Ali Pasha at the time in order to transfer these fragments, and effects to Germany, were loaded these effects in a ship Gottfried which sank when I started approaching the Port of Hamburg Germany; because of a severe hurricane led to the loss of these effects.
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