Where are the effects of Mary City
Where are the effects of Mary City

Marie City
What really surprised that most of the archaeological sites discovered in the Syrian Arab Republic were not only a coincidence; this rich history ancient state, and its present, and evidenced by the opinion of the French archaeologist Andre Barrow when he said that every human being and buzzy, his native country and Syria; it is not not mistaken, where still sounds ancient civilizations that have given rise to a stark, indicating that they were the first human civilizations or domicile.
There are traces city of Mary in the Syrian Arab Republic, at the site known as Tel Hariri, located on the bank of the right Euphrates River; where away from the city of Abu Kamal on the border between the Syrian state of the Iraqi state and twelve kilometers, and from the city of Deir al-Zour, it is just a hundred and five distance twenty kilometers, which is within the scope of irrigated land and by Cereals, where they are to the east of the Euphrates River, which is about three kilometers away.
Form its
The site traces city of Mary ovoid, located several valleys with a small size in the southwestern side of it, and along the north side of it up to one kilometer, and distributed where many hills are small in size, with facilities this city, except for the Acropolis, it is located in the central hill, which is higher than the other, where rising fifteen meters.
Mary is surrounded by the city wall was built to protect them, in addition to the presence of the Euphrates River in the northeastern part, which played an economic role in the life of this city, and also a defensive role.
Not detected Mary city since ancient times, but was in the twentieth century, specifically the month of August for the year one thousand nine hundred and thirty-three during the French rule of the Syrian state; where some residents of the area to bury one of the dead have on a hill, and while trying to find a witness to the tomb were able after bother to uprooted from the ground and one of the large stones in the area, Vtvajaoa as one of the missing head statues, what was one of them but went to the city of Abu Kamal, the Office of the French officer Kaban, and told him what they can do with this statue, which was found.
This was the news surprising for Kaban, what was it but went to the site immediately, to find that these large stones is a model of the person naked torso, headless, his hands folded hands to above the chest, while the lower part of it is covered Bhrashv, and written above it cuneiform.
Kaban did not hesitate to help the people of the region to raise the buried statue in the ground, and was transferred to the city of Abu Kamal, and in turn he informs led to what has been discovered, to do their part to inform the then Department of Antiquities, which belonged to the High Commissioner in the city of Beirut, the de Rotrou inspector effects Northern Syria to go to the site, and wrote his report about him, and the transfer of this statue to the town of Deir al-Zour in Syria.
Commissioned from the Louvre Museum Andre Barrow, to see this statue and give him his opinion, and therefore constitute the archaeological mission by the Director of the Chapel of Antiquities Henry Sereq, to work on the discovery of the region.
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