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Where's Big Ben

Where's Big Ben

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One of the most famous landmarks in London, capital of Britain, which is known to small and large, which are flocking many people to see is the Big Ben and is the largest clock in the world, known accuracy in measuring time, an hour bin that was created under the supervision of the British Minister of Works (Benjamin Hall) , who was nicknamed (Big Ben), the magnitude of his body, which owes its name an acronym for its name, which designed the clock is (Edmund Beckett) and has their manufacture (Edward Net), was established in 1859, and more recently has Britain changed its name to Elizabeth Tower to mark the diamond Jubilee to sit Queen Elizabeth.

Big Ben: a huge tall tower 320 feet, weighing at which about 12.5 tons, and Jursha 10 tons, and the length of Akrbhe 14.9 feet, is the timing of a symbol of global timing, and there is Big Ben in the tower of St. Stephan in London, the British capital, as a life time 150-year-old, which is one of Britain's historic heritage, and although presented its inception, but it is still working perfectly, it is possible to occur malfunction at due to the foot of the pieces contained therein and the insistence of officials to maintain because of the legacy and historical significance can be replaced with these pieces old modern cut and works the same old mechanism, It has happened earlier when the time stopped working entirely, but maintenance workers have to repair have for repair about a week, it took the maintenance workers always be on stand-permanent keenness to work time and repair any malfunction has undergone, because it is a symbol of global timing, where its inhabitants are accustomed to learn about their way time is also dependent at the time BBC Radio British.

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